

RGB: Red, Green, Blue
Code for all colors occur in nature by combining the three primary colors in different proportions,
If 100% mixed white and the black image when a ratio of 0% is obtained.
Red is the main color in this space, the value of the main colors of blue and green tones change is not specified exactly in our hands will change color. As a simple example we can show the change image that you get when you play with your Monitör'ü contrast settings.
CMYK: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black color is the color space that you have created.
Basically Color Number of C, M, Y, including the 3t. Black katılmıştır.b of them later while mingling theoretically 100% black in three colors, full color vermeyinş practice because of the cost and this will occur from the mixture of three colors were added later.
, the difference
RGB: Empty ground is considered black.
CMYK: Empty ground is considered white.
RGB: The 3 different parts rek the light generated by the cutting and blocking the front of each other. Change colors as values ​​change.
CMYK: Trade method with 4 colors to create the desired color is obtained by completing each other. In other words, our eyes see the printed media printed on the media not directly reflective of the RGB light as sunlight.
In this context, the real CMYK, RGB image can mean a dream.

As the word "undermine me", in other words to "press on" means. In the bottom of the object marked as overprint color separations is not emptied on the ground in different colors.
Thus, it is given an object overprint, enough to cover the bottom of colors need to have a dark color. For example, usually black and gold-silver in color will be used as the cover of ink stamping overprint command is given. Because black is the darkest color and black areas are still under whatever color will appear black. In the same way, covering ink color to use will interact with the following gold color is no need carving.

Trichromatic color separation; cyan, magenta, yellow and black colors generated, the color separation system that supports printing with transparent inks. CMYK, the mix of color and image is printed on printing via tram. Millions of hues can be obtained with this system. A color separation system used all over the world.
Trigromy + Tire Spot Color Separation
This type of color mixture leaving the separation to CMYK color hue and logo to be printed with a picture, text, etc. We can give as an example. Here picture, trichromatic necessarily be printed; but out of the CMYK colors extra (spot) will be pressed. Spot colors to be printed, according to the state may be more than the job. The point to note here is the dash evacuation of gold color separations in the area to be printed on all color separations spot.